New Test builds avaliable through Patreon!

Hello everyone! Thanks for playing the Underlight Demo! I have been hard at work making the game better.  I have made several optimizations, added more content, and fixed a lot of bugs.  Thanks to everyone who helped by reporting bugs and offering feedback.  

With all of the progress I have been making, I have had the opportunity to show off new builds of the game to my supporters on Patreon.  They have supported the project from the very beginning and I am grateful to each one of them.  I have monthly and weekly builds, as well as regular weekly dev logs showing off the progress that they make possible.  They also have access to a discord where I post little tidbits of my process, as well as other artistic projects I work on.  

If you would like to help bug test, play new builds, offer feedback on the latest additions, or just post memes in the server... consider becoming a patron! It would mean a lot to me!  Your support makes a huge difference.

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